🛹 genderfluid , check bio for pronouns (they/them is always okay) // bisexual // dutch // cancer ☀️ ,
aries 🌙 , cancer ⬆ // infp

🍒, dogs, kpop, mcu, dcu, music, chase atlantic, acnh, rdr2, genshin impact, horror games.

alcohol, talk about/forcing religion, men.

🍒 - agender , xe , they , vamp // lesbian // romanian // scorpio ☀️ , leo 🌙 , virgo ⬆ // infp

🛹, dancing, drawing



NON-SAPPHIC!!, fit any of the basic dni criteria, under 15 years old, support male “lesbians”, think that bi/pan lesbians exist, can’t understand that pronouns don’t equal gender, try to police us about what we do on our page.


there might be some light nsfw from time to time but it will be tagged, our dms are open but bare in mind that we’re both socially anxious, reqs and gay thoughts can be sent through the cc linked in pinned, priv qrts are fine. this acc is a safe space for wlw and nblw alike, so please be kind!